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Access to Information


A)    EV-charging at Home Subsidy Scheme – Consultants List / Contractors List

1)       Consultants List / Contractors List

Remark: This List is for information of the public. The inclusion of any companies in this List does not in any way imply recommendation or approval by the Environmental Protection Department.



B)    Reference Materials for Consultants and Contractors of the EV-charging at Home Subsidy Scheme

1)       Quick Guide for Inclusion in the Consultants List and or Contractors List at the Open E-tendering Platform

2)       Tender Guide

3)       Declaration for Affiliated Corporation



C)    Reference Materials for Applicants of the EV-charging at Home Subsidy Scheme

1)       User Guide – Part 1: Create a user account in the Open E-Tendering Platform

2)       User Guide – Part 2: Tender invitation process

3)       User Guide – Part 3: Instructions to Opening of Tenders

4)       Tender Notice

5)       Points to Note for the Applicant - Verification of the Information of Consultants and Contractors

6)       General Advice on Selection and Employment of Consultants or Contractors